Dotted notes not fully supported in tablature?

• Dec 22, 2023 - 17:50

Even with 4.2, I still cannot get dotted tablature notes to show properly as they once did in M3.

I usually do not use the "linked staff" feature as it is distracting when entering notation. Normally, I key in a notation staff and then create a tablature staff and cut/paste the notation into the tab. After that, I will tweak the tab for the fingering I desire, they style (full) and whatever else needs work.

Since M4, the "full" tab staff doesn't support dotted notes. Selecting "common" places the dots in the flags (which I dislike because I'm sight reading the note numbers, not necessarily the flags). In M3, selecting "full" put the dots where they're supposed to be, next to the note head.

It is completely silly. I prefer all the new features in 4 (and probably 4.2) but I still have to export the file to xml so it can be read and printed in M3 where the dots showing properly in the tab.

Is there any intent to fix this? Have I missed something?

See attached example file.


Attachment Size
3 Minor Jigs.mscz 78.59 KB


Ok, I've been experimenting. If I create a notation staff (with dotted notes) and then select "Linked staff" and change that new staff to tablature, "5-string Full"...the dots appear in their proper places. I have not yet figured out how to separate the linked staff into parts...

If I create a new tab staff (5-string, full) and cut/paste the original notation into it, the dots are missing (unless I change the staff to 5-string, common}. It has the top staff in notation with a linked tab staff below (dots are there only in the original unsaved file)...and then a separate tab staff (missing dots). The dots go missing whether I create a new file or cut/paste. Only the linked staff shows the dots in the tab as they should be...until it is saved and re-opened. The dots do not appear in the re-opened file.

In reply to by trapdoor22

Works in "simple" and "commun" staff type.
In Full type: temporary workaround : in "Instruments"dialog, switch the TAB from Full type to Standard notation and again to Full type TAB : the dots reappear (you can print at this moment) but don't survive to a Save/Reload

In reply to by cadiz1

Thank you!

Yes, I had seen that it was a known issue...but I was really hoping 4.2 would solve it. I will try the temporary work around. My personal workaround has been to revert to M3... or for simpler scores, just add the dots to the printout manually with a pen.

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