ties and special endings

• Dec 25, 2023 - 22:01

I'm writing a simple pop song that has a 1st and 2nd ending (with the first ending having a repeat sign taking you to the beginning of the song). The first note of the first ending is tied to the last note of the previous measure. This tie should be reflected at the beginning of the 2nd ending but it doesn't reflect. I'm looking through the online manual to answer this question but I'm stumped and cannot seem to find what I'm looking for. Help? Picture included.

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tie needed.jpg 13.2 KB


Voltas are normally used for different endings on a repeated section. Your screenshot shows identical notes and lyrics for each volta. Why not get rid of the 2nd volta completely (i.e., delete the entire measure)? The repeat barline means go to the beginning and play everything again. (Get rid of that volta 1 bracket, too.)

If you insist on using voltas, see:
for possible solutions.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thank you for your feedback. I can see now what you're saying. It didn't occur to me to remove the second measure since both are identical. That may be the best way to go.

Also, I'd never ever heard of the 1st and 2nd endings referred to as voltas, in all my years learning, playing, and writing music. I'd only ever heard of them as "1st and 2nd endings". So you taught me some new vocabulary too. Thanks!

In reply to by [DELETED] 29048829

Okay, but voltas may notate settings more complex than mere "1st and 2nd endings".
Especially look at the picture here:

Also, when I wrote:
"The repeat barline means go to the beginning and play everything again."
I meant:
"The end repeat barline :|| means go to the beginning (of the repeated section)..."
and note that:
If the start of the repeat section coincides with the beginning of the piece there is no need for a start repeat barline. ||:
From your picture, it is unknown whether your "simple pop song" repeats from the beginning.

Best regards.

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