musescore 4.2.0 crashes when changing details to the score.

• Jan 2, 2024 - 22:45

it started happening when i made changes to the flute 1 part around measure 137. it would just crash when i add note, or when i delete layout break. the time of crashing usually happens seconds after the action.

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Alpha(ms3new).mscz 610.72 KB


I opened this in my 4.2. There is no visible flute 1 at 137, as you know. So I opened the flute 1 part and hit "M" to make individual measures. I added notes from 133 through 140. No crash. I also deleted the page break at 144. No crash. So I don't know what to make of that.
There does seem to be a lot of clutter both in the score and parts. Things (like hairpins and dynamics) that don't line up. Or scroll off the page. Ritards are definable now, by percentage.

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