Musescore file is giving me an error message

• Apr 20, 2024 - 01:39

Can anybody help me correct this musescore file? I am getting a list of error messages...

Incomplete measure: Part score: Violin I, measure 204, staff 1. Found: 7/4. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Violin I, measure 205, staff 1. Found: 7/4. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Violin I, measure 207, staff 1. Found: 7/4. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Violin I, measure 230, staff 1. Found: 20/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Violin I, measure 231, staff 1. Found: 24/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Violin I, measure 232, staff 1. Found: 24/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Violin I, measure 233, staff 1. Found: 24/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Part score: Violin I, measure 234, staff 1. Found: 28/16. Expected: 4/4.

I'm worried that the issues with the score will eventually cause it to crash, can anyone help??

I tried going in and manually correcting the measures but I don't see any problems! The score rhythmically looks normal. So I'm not sure where these error messages are coming from !

Attachment Size
Mythology of Greening.mscz 358.24 KB


The score itself is correct.
These incomplete measures are in the Violin 1 part - see the error message.
For example, there is a whole rest and some notes in measures 204 and 205, but not in the score itself. Of course I don't know how this is supposed to be.
Or in 207 there is a whole note and a quarter and half note. These are the reasons.
Either try resetting the Violin 1 part, or use my attached file where I deleted the Violin 1 part and recreate it.
FYI: I opened your mscz file (7-zip) and deleted in the excerpts folder the data for the Violin 1.

Attachment Size
Mythology of Greening_mod.mscz 307.96 KB

In reply to by Concetta Abbate

If you look at the score from your first post, there are indeed too many beats in the score in the 1st violin part measures 230 - 234. And the earlier notes added in 204 on, seem to be from the vocal parts. No idea how any of it happened. Perhaps spend some time trying to fix this score since you now know what to look for and that it can be fixed.
Stuff happens, so to speak.

In reply to by bobjp

I think the issue was just lots of changing time signatures which somehow caused extra rests and it's quite possible the errors were in the original musescore 3 file and I just wasn't getting the error messages till I transferred it to musescore 4. The new modified version seems good to go! No error messages.

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