"A" key not working as intended.

• Jul 1, 2024 - 17:29

I've posted this before, and the thread dies. Please consider it a bug report.

When inputting notes, the 'A' key only send the cursor to the beginning of the measure. To compensate, I have to input G or B and nudge it up or down.

This thread has been suggested:https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/20866
It has not been helpful.

Yes, I have removed two navigation shortcuts from the .xml file, and I am using the English keyboard layout. I have triple-checked all shortcut settings and my own system settings.


I don't think it is just about the layout selected in your system settings; it may also be about the actual physical design of the keyboard. Hard to say because it's been a very mysterious issue. Was your keyboard purchased in the US? If not, it may be an international design internally. I assume you are using a Mac? Which model, and what version of macOS, and which version of MuseScore? Also, when you say you removed lines from the XML file, did you remember to re-import that file after making the changes?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Purchased in the US. Standard Mac keyboard. M1 MacBook Air, Sonoma 14.5, MuseScore 4.3.2.
I've been using the same keyboard since I first began using MuseScore. The problem just started happening in the middle of a session. I also tried using the laptop's built-in keyboard, no difference.

Re-imported file. Nothing changed.

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