German translation of the body percussion

• Jul 20, 2024 - 20:00

I suggest to translate the track name "Finger Snap" as "Schnipsen", the long name as "Schnipsen", the short name as "Schnips." and the description as "Schnipsen.".

I suggest to translate the track name "Hand Clap" as "Klatschen", the long name as "Klatschen", the short name as "Klatsch." and the description as "Klatschen.".

I suggest to translate the track name "Slap" as "Klopfen", the long name as "Klopfen", the short name as "Klopf." and the description as "Klopfen.".

I suggest to translate the track name "Stamp" as "Stampfen", the long name as "Stampfen", the short name as "Stampf." and the description as "Stampfen.".


The above mentioned English words designate the four sound gestures ("Klanggesten", in German) in Orff-Schulwerk, and there the German words are "Schnalzen", "Klatschen", "Patschen" and "Stampfen", and the abbreviations "Schna.", "Kla.", "Pa." and "Sta.".

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