Default Program Shortcuts

• Jul 23, 2024 - 12:22

I have the Romanian (Programmers) keyboard. In romanian there are diacritics. With this keyboard I make them with Alt Gr (to right of the spacebar) plus a letter of the english alphabet.
All diacritics: (1) Alt Gr + a = ă; (2) Alt Gr + t = ț; (3) Alt Gr + i = î; (4) Alt Gr + s = ș; (5) Alt + q = â.

I have a problem with (1) and (2). Whenever I press Alt Gr, then I press "a" or "t" the program accesses the toolbar.
Is there a way to change this behaviour? In the settings I didn't find any keyboard shortcut related to this.


It sounds as though your [Alt Gr] key is doing the same as the [Alt] key. This might be at the operating system level (keyboard nationality, layout, settings) rather than controlled by MuseScore.

I have a UK keyboard with a lot of international keys mapped (Spanish, Polish etc.) and [Alt Gr] doesn't access the menu like yours does. I'm on Linux, which could be different, though.

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.3.0-241231431, revision: 5f36e74

[Alt] T -> Tools; [Alt] A -> Add
[Alt Gr] T -> ŧ; [Alt Gr] A -> á
[Alt Gr] Q, W, E, R, T, Y , U, I, O, P-> @ẃé¶ŧýúíóþ etc.

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