'Forking" between score and parts - parts do not match score

• Aug 1, 2024 - 19:28

This has been an ongoing issue for me since switching to MS4 from MS3. Changes that I make in the score do not always get reflected in the individual parts. For example, if I input a bar with a half note followed by a dotted quarter and then an eighth, I can check the part and it will be correct. If I then change the dotted quarter to another half note (overwriting the eighth at the end of the bar), it will look fine in the full score, but the part will still show a half, dotted quarter, and eighth. If I delete the parts and then regenerate them, they will again match the score, but I lose any formatting (system breaks and page breaks) that I've added to the part. I've had similar issues with deleting rehearsal markings in the score, but they remain in the parts.

I had manually corrected the errors I'd been dealing with, but I reverted this score to an older version to demonstrate the error. In the attached score, measure #265 for the Tenor Pan has a different rhythm than the corresponding part for the tenor pan.


Maybe this will get fixed. Maybe it won't. Because of that measure, this score loads as corrupt. My personal feeling is that I wouldn't do anything with parts until I'm done with the score. I know, I know, it isn't supposed to be a problem. It's just supposed to work. But it doesn't, and has been pointed out for a while. We all work differently. I've had to adjust my work flow in MU4.

In reply to by bobjp

As nice as it would be to have that workflow, this is real world music for an ensemble of living human beings, and the demands of the performance are that the players need to be able to practice and rehearse the work-in-progress. So I distribute parts to them periodically as the composition takes shape.

Hm, interesting. Actually, problem starts at measure 193 (try to change pitch, or duration).

Question is, how did you came into this state? Is it MU3 score opened in MU4? It looks so, because it has customised parts. Could You please post also MU3 file?

As MuseScore Studio reports upon opening the score, that measure is corrupted. You need to fix the corruption, then things should be OK.

For the record, corruptions can happen in all versions of MuseScore, but they are almost fixed as soon as some reports steps to reproduce the problem. So if you can figure out what caused this corruption, be sure to let us know. Meanwhile, best to clear or remove this measure then re-enter or re-add it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc, it has nothing to do with that corrupted measure. Here is fragment of few measures.

Select note in bar 9 and change its pitch (shift it up) and duration (make it dotted).
Now open part tab - you can see there is a problem. For some reason, part notes are not linked to score notes.

Than, if You open Parts dialog, You can sse, there are two Tenor Pan parts. But affected is that generic one.
It is interesting, because that generic one has user layout set (imported) and notes have this problem.
In contrary the other one has no user layout, but notes are linked to score.

Attachment Size
parts dont match - fragment.mscz 117.78 KB

In reply to by sammik

OK, I see, I was just going by the original description which mentioned only that corrupted measure. I can indeed see there is an issue with the part not being linked. And probably due to using a custom template from an older version, which used a totally different model for how parts work. I can easily believe a custom template from an older version that had parts generated already could cause problems. But it would be good to see that template and have precise steps to reproduce the problem.

Any advice in the meantime how I can create a set of parts that I can have confidence are linked to the score? I'm guessing that the parts marked like "Tenor Pan (1)" are the ones that will cause me headaches, but that if I auto-generate a new set of parts they will behave more like they should?

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