Treat multiple staves as a group (SATB e.g.) for hiding when empty?

• Aug 15, 2024 - 22:07

Hello all,

I have a score that's vocal solo, SATB, and piano, and I would like to hide the empty choral staves when possible, but I want to either have none of them or all of them. What I don't want is a situation where, e.g., on a staff where only the sopranos and tenors sing, I have the S and T staves but no A and B. Is there a way to group staves together to behave like that, or if nothing else a way to manually hide specific staves one system at a time rather than making a setting for the whole score? Thank you!


No, the only setting similar to what you describe works only on individual staves. (As it appears you have found?)

The only way I know of to get the effect you want is to add hidden text or hidden, non-playing notes, in measures that you want to NOT hide and nothing in any of the staves that you want hidden.

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