Colour Formats

• Aug 20, 2024 - 06:39

I like to colour code note entries as I add or adjust them into a score as an arrangement progresses. However, when I go to Export and although Ive reset all the colours in the Musecore file to black, they export as multi coloured in the pdf. Hoping that someone might be able to point me in the right direction to correct that! Many thanks in advance!
(the left hand image is Musecore and the right the pdf of the part)
Screenshot 2024-08-19 at 10.34.34 PM.png


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi Jojo
I did reset colours back all to black . It looks all in good and in order until a pdf is created and thats the black notes in the Musescore master file revert to their coloured version when exported as pdfs. Ive attached the pdf showing the full score as black but then the extracted violin part (last two pages) are coloured. Also attached is the Musescore File. Hope you can shed some light on this! Many thanks

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