maj 7 icon

• Aug 21, 2024 - 19:53


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I'll bet I know the question: In the Master Palette, the Chord Symbols - for a maj 7 chord, or a diminished or half-diminished chord, etc. - can't be adjusted for size, and, worse, they move around on their own while you're inputting something else into the measure(s); sometimes, depending on the particular input . . . they disappear altogether! (I know, I could write "maj" or "dim" with the chord name, or "Dmi7b5" for a D half-diminished chord, but I like using those symbols.)
Does clicking off the "automatic placement" command in Inspector have any effect on these symbols acting on their own (the arrows, too, from the Master Palette, and the horizontal lines, from the other Palette, will hop around unilaterally depending on the havoc you're wreaking in and around the measure)? For me it doesn't have any effect - but I'm still with Version 3.6.
Thank you!

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