Text / words

• Aug 31, 2024 - 15:47

There is a missing function for Text / Words, for entering the entire lyrics of a song under the score (and not just under a particular note).
It's very important that such a feature be in MuseScore (preferably in a prominent place in the main MuseScore window).
In addition, in order for it to work properly record: text / words: Space, Enter, numbers, keyboard characters / symbols, CapsLock, paste copied text (e.g. from LibreOffice or OpenOffice).

I withdrew the text editing functions because the issue was resolved. Thank you.

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Tekst pod nutami.jpg 94.91 KB


"There is a missing function for Text / Words, for entering the entire lyrics of a song under the score"
I agree that this could be easier.
I use a Vertical Frame after the last system, and then I place 2 or 3 text blocks within the frame by using Add > Text. It is easier to insert the text blocks from right to left, otherwise they will overlap visually. You should apply the Horizontal Offset to each text block before placing the next text block.
Lyrics after end of score.png

"Also missing from the main Text / Words window in MuseScore is a function for editing the text"
The menu option Format > Style > Text Styles > Lyrics odd lines / Lyrics even lines allows you to specify global Lyrics settings for the specific score:
Font, Font size, Line spacing, Follow stave size, Bold/Italic/Underline, Alignment, Colour, and Offsets.

[EDIT 1]
"In addition: correct function in writing text / words: Space, Enter, numbers, keyboard characters / symbols, CapsLock, paste copied text"
These points are explained quite well in the Handbook:

[EDIT 2]
"4. superscript and subscript"
You can apply superscript or subscript to an individual character:
- select the character
- in the Properties panel, click Show more
- click the superscript or subscript icon

In reply to by DanielR

I checked what Mr. DanielR wrote me and there is a function “Bottom and Top Index”, for text it works fine, but for chord symbols this function does not work!, and this is a very important function, especially for chord symbols. And there is no way to set the font size for Top Index and Bottom Index, and this would be very useful, it is very important.
However for chord symbols, “Top and Bottom Index” is not on top and you have to wade through several functions to get to it.
In addition, when entering the chord symbol: letters and numbers and characters, so that it would be possible to place above and below the letters (as in the picture I posted in the chord symbol).

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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symbol akordu.jpg 6.46 KB
Tekst pod nutami.jpg 94.91 KB

In reply to by muzyk72g

While entering text, click the Properties tab at upper left. Then the functions are all present and you can continue entering text.

Be aware though that chord symbols are not "text". That is, they are not merely text. So they work slightly different than mere text.

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