Noteheads in tab changed in 4.4.x

• Sep 20, 2024 - 01:13

In either 4.4.2 or 4.4.1 I found that if I have only a tab staff present I cannot select the parentheses notehead eg (5) unless I have a linked clef (shown or unshown, doesn't seem to make a difference). This did previously work for only tab staff.

I also noticed that a cross notehead for tab is now a capital X instead of the previous more discrete lower case x. I could not find an option to change it back in the handbook, I prefer the less shouty x :-)

Thanks for any advice!


Agreed. Muted notes could simply "mention" their presence with a lowercase x. No need for shouting uppercase Xs.

Nice to have a simple lowercase/uppercase toggle for this in a tablature panel ... which unfortunately will likely be the ever-growing Format>Style>Tablature panel.

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