Score too big for page

• Nov 15, 2024 - 15:47

ONLY on page 1 of an orchestral score, that score is suddenly too large too fit on the A4 page, and there is no room for title nor composer. I have been working on this score for three months, and suddenly this happens. Changing the "scaling" does not solve the problem, and nor does trying to add a vertical frame, nor changing the margins. The handbook is, as usual, no help whatsoever.


In reply to by SteveBlower

many thanks, but that was an attempt to set things right. It was already wrong BEFORE I adjusted them. of course, the handbook is of NO help with any of this, as well as being the worst-indexed document I've ever had the misfortune to deal with: searching it is a complete waste fo time.

In reply to by voxclamans

If I set the odd margins to be the same as the even margins and in Format>Style hit the "Reset all style to default" the result looks pretty good, apart from the title frame being too short to accommodate the subtitle and the composer text being shifted to high. Those are both easily remedied by dragging the bottom handle of the frame down and dragging the composer text down somewhat.

"of course, the handbook is of NO help with any of this" See

In reply to by SteveBlower

Thanks so much for your input. The other gentleman who discovered that the title frame had a negative value was also on the right track, and putting that right has sorted it (I didn't change ANYTHING, so Lord knows how it happened in the first place!)
Will Github help? I am not a computer idiot, but WHY are all these things so fiddly, complicated, and see, for someone who comes to MuseScore as a musician, to be too designed for computer whizzes, and insufficiently friendly to musos!

Hi. Well, it seems as how, when I decided to add a chorus, the score was, yes, too long to fit the page. Very simple fix:
Go on "Page Settings." This is under "Format." You have to reduce the size of the staves; make them smaller. Even if you need a magnifying glass (smile). Nope; you won't when you adjust your page view (without touching the actual page: only the view).
On the lefthand side, click "Staff Space" and this will adjust the score size. Yay! My double bass is back!
Oh, and it also seems to get rid of those pesky measures that take up an entire page.

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