Glitching/stuttering repeats

• Jan 1, 2025 - 05:18

I just finished a piece and I notice when I export it through an mp3 or play it back on Musescore some of the instruments don't playback on the first bar of the repeat. I'm hoping it's not a problem with the soundfont maybe?
It's a mix of MS Basic strings and musesounds guitars.

thank you

Attachment Size
Boss Theme I.mscz 143.97 KB


I have the same problem. Exporting it to wav is the same. When I had this problem before I reverted to version 4.3 though I had to rewrite the entire score.

Edit 1: reverting to 4.3.2 did the trick but it's not a good solution

Which instruments don't you hear? I think I hear everything. I'm including an mp3 from my system.
Here's some things I noticed.
The glock and suspended cymbal are so soft, I never hear them at all. You've done some volume control in the mixer, but you might consider using dynamic marks in the score also, Also, all the the instruments are panned to the center. This makes it hard to hear things. Consider panning them. Spread them out like they are on a stage in front of you. For example, guitar 1 to the left and guitar 2 to the right. Take advantage of stereo. You might use a different sound for guitar 2.
Just some things to think about.

Attachment Size
Boss Theme 3.55 MB

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