Drum Set Missing Voices Help

• Jan 3, 2025 - 10:33

I am struggling with where to find the voices I am missing in the orchestral drum set. The picture below shows what I am seeing. I would like more basic voices (tambourine, etc.), but none of the drum sets I have include it.
I have searched extensively and cannot find a solution
Any help is appreciated!

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Screenshot 2025-01-03 053156.png 48.91 KB


You can edit the Percussion Kit you show in your screenshot, and expand it with the percussion instruments (voices) you are missing. After edit it, you can save it with other name under ... Styles/your_name.drm , and you can load it later in your scores. Very important is to check if the instrument you want to add, already exist as sound (instrument) in MuseScore. You must take care to use the correct MIDI number, pitch (note) and instrument's name . Which version of MuseScore are you using?. What Operating System?.
I have try to expand the Drum Kit you show in your screenshot with the Tambourin for MuseScore 3.7.0 and for MuseScore 4.5 (beta version) and I have made a very interesting experience:
In MuseScore 3.7.0 the sound of the Tambourin when playing it alone as unique instrument on the staff, sounds the same as when I use it in the expanded "Drum Kit". I find this result OK. It is what I was expecting.
Under MuseScore 4.5, if I edit the same "Drum Kit" and expand it with the Tambourin, the sound produced by the Tambourin in the expanded "Drum Kit" sounds different as the sound produced by the Tambourin, when it is used as solo instrument in a staff. If I look at the generated drumxxx.drm file, it contains the correct MIDI number (54) , the same note (f#3) and name Tamburin. I do not find this result OK. It seems that MuseScore 4.5 uses internally 2 different soundfonts for the same instrument.

In reply to by puggbma

I believe that in MS 4.5, there will be more functionality around using multiple (percussion) instruments in a single staff. In your test it might be using the Muse Sounds for the tambourin instead of MS Basic. As the drumset is not (yet) mapped to Muse Sounds by default.

In reply to by Henk De Groot

Thanks for your answer. That's was my assumtion. At the moment is seems to exist 2 different sounds for Tamburin (and probably for more instruments), one for Muse Basic and other for Muse Sounds, the problem is that when i try to extend an existing "drum kit", I cannot choose which of the 2 sounds I wish. Apparently the Tamburin from the Muse Basic table is allways selected. I hoppe the mapping of the percussion instruments will be done soon.

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