Update to 4.4.4

• Jan 17, 2025 - 23:53

I just updated to MuseScore Studio 4 version 4.4.4, When I open previously saved scores the dynamic markings are above the staff and articulation markings are below the notes. Is there a quick way to globally change this?

Attachment Size
SYMPHONY in B MINOR.mscz 64.71 KB


For the dynamics, Select one of them. The first pp for example. Right click. Scroll down to Select and click on Similar. This select all the dynamic marks. Go to Properties Palette. You might have to add that palette. On the Position line, select Below. That moves all the dynamics to below the staff.
Use this to move some of the other things.
You also have large sections where the stems need to be reversed.
But this gives you a start.

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