Color picker causing crashes (Windows 11)
Picking a color for note heads or staff text from the color picker (just clicking on a color without even dismissing the dialog) can crash Musescore 4. It's intermittent and I can't figure out what, if anything, I'm doing that leads to it.
I can't cut a ticket without knowing how to reproduce it. It could be a local system corruption, but the issue survives system reboots. Perhaps someone else in the community who has experinced the problem can provide more details.
Adding a measure to the end of the document fixed the problem, so it's not an out of memory issue.
I have a diagnostic file from a freshly recovered version of the file just for safe keeping. At 4.5 MB it's too big to attach.
OS: Windows 11 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.4-243461245, revision: 2232670