Score page not opening on screen.
I recently downloaded MuseScore version 4.5. Now a few days later when I try to open a score, I get a flash message that the file is being loaded but the image of the score does not appear on my desktop. I am running mac0S 1.7.5. On my MacBook MuseScore version 4.4.4 works just fine. What is wrong?
Running macOS 12.7.5
I downloaded 4.5.0 today, March 20. I used it for about 15 minutes, tried to open a second score and I had the same problem. Now it won't even open properly. I have Windows 10.
In reply to I downloaded 4.5.0 today,… by SheppOrgan
In reply to See… by cadiz1
That's an issue for certain macOS versions only, Windows should not be affected as far as I can tell
Me too, MacOS