Is there a way to make images clearer?

• Mar 22, 2025 - 13:12


I used snipping tool on my desktop and inserted the bottom 3 lines of this page but it looks blurry compared to the measures above it. I saved it as a PNG. Is there anyway to make images clearer? I've attached both the musescore file and the PDF.

Thanks for your help!

Attachment Size
Beats.mscz 50.21 KB
Beats.pdf 73.72 KB


It depends on the quality of the document you copied. I think I would consider making this in a word type document rather than all in MuseScore. When I copy the top line into a doc, it is just as clear as the original. But the bottom lines do not copy well because they are not the same quality to begin with.

In reply to by yonah_ag

I didn't do the whole page in MS because I needed smaller side margins to get smaller measures for the top part. If I use the same margins for the entire page and just have two measures on a line, they're both very long and it doesn't look proportional.

I attached it with narrow margins for the whole page- in the 3rd system there are only two measures and they're too long. (Hope this makes sense).

Attachment Size
Beats.mscz 50.6 KB

In reply to by debharpo

You can use horizontal frames to consume horizontal space and use this to vary the margins. Have a look at the second page of the score I linked above, sub-titled, "Compound Meter". You can achieve pretty much any layout by using frames and spacers.

[Edit] In fact you can see smaller margins on the very first page of the above score.

In reply to by yonah_ag

Ok, so I was able to insert a horizontal frame on the left, but when I clicked the measure on the right, the frame divided the two measures. Do you know how I can add a frame on the right hand side?

I attached the file. It's the 3rd system down. Thank you for your help!

Attachment Size
5. Beats.mscz 48.37 KB

In reply to by debharpo

1) Remove the line break before the final measure, (which is on the last stave row on its own)
2) Insert a horizontal frame before the last measure, (which is now joined to the previous stave row).
3) Add a line break on the horizontal frame, (to restore the original formatting).

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