Tablet Sheet Music Display
I want to display my MuseScore works in the music library of a tablet app so that I can use it on the piano in lieu of printed sheet music. Does this require that I convert all versions to pdfs, or is there a tablet sheet music reader (with separate page turner equipment/app) that can handle native MuseScore file types?
I am new at this, so any recommendations will be appreciated
Bill Adams
There do exist versions for mobile devices (iOS and Android). They are "display only"; you cannot modify the score on the mobile device. They work using some kind of connection to the webpage and they are supported ONLY over there. Here on we know very little about them. For example, I don't know whether they have any sort of "page-turner" at all, at all.
I would assume that most applications that can display music (and turn pages, etc) will be able to import the musicxml format. It's the de facto standard if not formally so. So you can create a score in MuseScore Studio, export it to one of the musicxml filetypes, and import it into most score display app. Look for that as an explicit requirement for you to get (for free or for purchase) a particular application.
Good luck!!!
There is an official Musescore app for both Android and iOS tablets. Check your usual app store. Be careful with the installation as it's quite easy to accidentally sign up for a subscription. Try the app before committing to any purchase.
Not sure about page turn support, ask on the forums on
Display of standard notation is quite good. Display of TAB is appalling.