Trouble with D.C. : Playback may go back to the first measure but then it repeats it

• Mar 23, 2025 - 20:55

At first the D.C. al Fine indicator was sending the cursor back to the 4-bar Intro instead of where I had placed the D.C. (which was at the start of the A section.) So, then I took the 4-bar intro out to see if it would work. And now it does go back to the beginning of the A section but plays one measure and then starts over again.
Why does it do that?

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altered_state_Gminor_wo_lyrics.mscz 28.9 KB


In reply to by bobjp

Well I want it to repeat to the beginning of the A section and continue to the end of the second ending. I do not want it to repeat to the beginning of the A section for one measure and then repeat that measure again like a stutter.

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