Trouble with D.C. : Playback may go back to the first measure but then it repeats it
At first the D.C. al Fine indicator was sending the cursor back to the 4-bar Intro instead of where I had placed the D.C. (which was at the start of the A section.) So, then I took the 4-bar intro out to see if it would work. And now it does go back to the beginning of the A section but plays one measure and then starts over again.
Why does it do that?
Attachment | Size |
altered_state_Gminor_wo_lyrics.mscz | 28.9 KB |
Not clear what you want. This might be closer.
In reply to Not clear what you want… by bobjp
Well I want it to repeat to the beginning of the A section and continue to the end of the second ending. I do not want it to repeat to the beginning of the A section for one measure and then repeat that measure again like a stutter.
In reply to Well I want it to repeat to… by jseeger
Interesting. the score you posted didn't do that. Neither did mine. By "A section" do you mean the beginning?
In reply to Interesting. the score you… by bobjp
Oh yes, that is what i meant -- the beginning. And so I just downloaded 4.5 and now it does that repeating of the first measure when it goes back to the beginning after the first ending.
Well anyway thank you for trying to help!
In reply to Not clear what you want… by bobjp
Oh! you fixed it!! How did you do that? I could not open your file before downloading the updated version but it works. thank you!!
In reply to Oh! you fixed it!! How did… by jseeger
Two things. You don't need a DC at the beginning. DC al Fine means go back to the beginning and stop at Fine.
Also your first ending line needed to span both measures. I deleted it, selected the two measures and re-enterd the line.