'Arrange for' command from scanned piano music

• Dec 31, 2014 - 10:00

Hello, and I'm a newie aged 21yrs plus 60 years' experience.

Question: Is there a facility in MuseScore (MUS) to scan in a sheet/s of piano music and then request a default, but editable arrangement, for say 4 hands, or say for a small group of instruments?

If yes would a separate OCR software package be needed?

many thanks MikeS


The OMR software like Audiveris can help with the first part, but arraning music for different instrumentation is not something easily automatable. At best, maybe some Ph D student somewhere has written an algorithm to do this in simple cases, but it wouldn't be anything youd be likely to just plug in and use. The music21 programming language is something one might use if they wished to pursue this, and perhaps someone in that world has experimented with this.

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