Accidental flates and sharps throughout bar

• Jan 27, 2015 - 12:46

When I add a note to a bar as a flat or a sharp, and then add another note of the same pitch in that bar Musescore makes the second note natural and I have to make it sharp or flat again.
Normally once a note is sharpened or flattened it remains so for the rest of the bar.
Is this a problem with Musescore or am I missing something?
Any advise would be welcome



MuseScore does not change other existing notes, so if you add a sharp to one note, that one gets changed, but subsequent ones won't get changed, so those with the same pitch need a natural to not change their pitch.
If you enter them later, they should pickup the flat/sharp used on an note of the same pitch used earlier in the same masure.

In musescore 1.3 it was the "rule" , even if musically everyone knows it shouldn't....

In Musescore 2.0 Beta 2 (Beta are testing versions !) , I think that when you enter a note (D for example) that you sharped (or flatted) , if you enter otherone it will not be rewritten but will sound with the accidental for the rest of the bar... ;) If you want to have a natural D you have to change it ....

Behaviour has changed to be according to musical theory !
(I know I used that, and hope it is still the case)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That's one way of looking at it, of course, but I see it this way - you entered two D's; changing the first to some other note (whether D#, Db, E, or Bb) shouldn't change the second any more than it should change any other random note. You didn't touch it, so it doesn't change - it remains a D. And the way music notation works, it takes a natural sign to make that happen.

Just as with the change that *was* made from 1.3 to 2.0, either way works, and both have their advantages and disadvantages, but mostly it comes down to just putting your mind inside how it works.

[ EDIT: probably not clear, but I meant this as general information, not directed at anyone in particular ]

There is an outstanding pull request, BTW, for a feature that allow you to simultaneously change all D's in a measure by pressing "Alt" while adding an accidental. See I suspect it is pretty out of date, and looking at the code, it seems it could probably be done a bit differently.

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