
• Feb 19, 2015 - 03:42

I have YET to find anything anywhere that involves temp markings? What have I missed? Oh would that include such things as ritardando, pizzicato, arco and the MM= display? Everywhere I've looked so far doesn't have any of that. Is it in a pallet I don't recognize?


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I just looked in the handbook and saw nothing at all concerning tempo I must be in the wrong version, I don't see any "advanced pallette" I only see one pallet display. So how do I insert this text to say allegro, moderato etc.? Does it come from the tool bar or somewhere else? Just lost on how to insert text into a score. Now, I can put in dynamics without any trouble but Articulation is a bust!

In reply to by hoghead

The current version is 1.3, and that is what the Handbook covers. ThereThe link I posted goes directly to that page. Try again: Tempo . Or, if you go to main [[nodetitle:Handbook]] page, click "Sound and playback", and you will see "Tempo" listed there.

It's the "tempo text" method you want, not the "play panel" method.

As for articulations, did you see the responses to your thread about that? They, like all palette items that apply to individual note,s are very easily added by selecting the note(s) you want to apply them to, then double clicking the desired articulation. You can also drag and drop, but you have to be sure to drag directly on top of the notes, one at a time, and release while the note highlights. Zooming in would help, I guess, but drag & drop is going to be more awkward than click / double click anyhow.

BTW, because the release of 2.0 is getting very close, many people in the fourm are using prerelease builds of it, so a lot of what you see discussed applies to those.

Which version of MuseScore? What is "MM= display" supposed to be?
'arco' and 'pizzicato' is entered as staff text, then in staff text properties you set the sound.

Any shortcut key to increase/decrease temp so I can listen to the harmony closely when composing? The [player panel stays on top of all windows, nut just musescore?? This should be fixed. Also the play panel should not be in a seperate window, but compressed into a few sliders (tempo and volume) next to the [concert pitch] icon on the second row under the menu selections tabs.

In reply to by victor pierobon

WHich build are you using, and what OS? The issue of Play Panel being on top of all windows was, I think, amn issue on Windows or Mac only, and fixed at some time after Beta 2.

Tempo and vlolume sliders on the toolbar is not a bad idea, but still, I think 95% of users would never touch them and find them to be cluttering the interface. And we'd still need the dialog for its other buttons. But if the window could be made dockable, or turned into a dockable toolbar, then you'd have options, so that's worth considering for a future release I think.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I am using windows 8.1 pro.
A set of dockable set of toolbars including the temp slider would be great for me and for many users!
There are few bugs. Sometimes I can't move a note up in a measure by selecting it and mouse move it up/down. To fix this I need to select another note and then gp back to select the not again. Moving the note up/down with mouse or touchpad does not play the note as you move it, as it does when you use the cursor keys [up] [down]. Ilike hearing the note as I change it, to check it it to what the music I hear in my head.

Thanks for the very very quick reply. I started using this software in the past month.

In reply to by victor pierobon

The fact that notes don't play when you drag them is a deliberate; it's not a bug. Dragging is primarily about changing the visual appearance, it really isn't meant for transposing, and frankly, I would just as soon have that side effect removed.

As for sometimes not being able to move a note, please start a new thread, post the score you are having problems with and precise steps to reproduce the problem. Also say what version and what OS.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

If you remove the ability to hear the notes as I move it up/down, then it would make the software unusable to me. I compose by ear, not by theory or harmony theory! Please don't remove this feature. You could add it as an option in preferences settings if you think some would like to suppress this.

WiIl try to find the states leading to a repeatable bug,

In reply to by victor pierobon

I wasn't talking about removing the ability to hear notes change. I was talking about removing the special feature that turns dragging - which is *supposed* to be just about changing position on the page - into a special-purpose transpose command that affects notes and other symbols differently. Right now, dragging of anything except notes is just dragging - it changes the position on the page and nothing else. But there is special code for notes that makes it so dragging them doesn't just change their position on the page but actually transposes then, and then also recalculating stem direction, beaming, position of articulations, etc. And there are inherent problems with this in that if you have a mixed selection - some notes, some other elements - there is a conflict. That is, should the other markings be recalculated based on the new pitches, or should they simply be dragged like they would have been had you not also included notes in the selection?

To me, it's just not worth it. Dragging should be dragging, I think. Not dragging sometimes, transposing sometimes, and some weird buggy combination of the two at other times. but I seem to be a minority voice on this.

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