instructional Videos 4-9 not working

• Feb 23, 2015 - 16:21

Hi MuseScore Peeps!

My name is Jim O'Gara. I'm the instructor for Electronic Music at North Carolina A&T University. I'm using MuseScore with our Music Tech for Ed Majors class. The students love the software. However, we encountered a problem with the instructional videos on Youtube.

When we try to watch videos 4-9 on the site, and on Youtube proper, the videos just skip to the end and the next video. This occurred here at our school and at my home computer. A month ago, i was able to watch all 11 videos.

Would you kindly take a look into this, please? If there is some end user setting that I'm inadvertently doing, I'd love to know it.

Thank you for this amazing program and educational tool!

Musically yours,


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