Can I change the measure duration for one instrument but keep it the same on another

• Mar 9, 2015 - 18:35

I found a sheet and am trying to copy it out, it's time signature is 6/8 and on the treble part some of the measures is 4/8 yet the bass stays 6/8 throughout. I'm struggling to put it on musescore as whenever I change the measure of the bass back to 6/8 the treble measure that was 4/8 goes back to 6/8. Is there a way for me to do this as I'm trying to learn to play the song and I find it easier to practice using musescore.

I also apologies if any terms are incorrect, I only know basic stuff about sheet music.

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In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I know how to do that, what I'm talking about is if you look at the treble it has 4 notes to the bar yet in the bass underneath it, it has 6 notes in the bar, when I change the treble's duration it changes the bass as well, I want to keep the bass time signature at 6/8 and change the treble to 4/8 but only for that bar, if that makes sense

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