save / save as

• Mar 26, 2015 - 12:33

hi everyone,

the software does not save rapid changes . Each time we try to save small changes the software asks where we want to save the " new file " . This means that each new note I write to make a copy (for example) I am creating an entirely new file and will need to delete the previous one to replace it .

I am an enthusiast for tango. I want to share rare scores that are already old and yellow .


Arthur Moreira


When 'importing' and 1.x score into 2.0, it'd do the 'Save As' on the first save, but every subsequent one as well as on every save of an existing and 'native' file, it won#t to that, just save and be done with it.
If this is different for you, provide more details, which version of MuseScore, on what platform and aer you really working on mscz files created with that version or importing (from either 1.3 or MusicXML, MIDI, etc.)?

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