Ways to crash the program

• Apr 28, 2015 - 15:17
onRun: {
    var score = newScore("gogogo.mscz", "guitar-nylon", 20)

Windows XP SP3.


Confirmed, on Windows 7 (Enterprise, 64bit)

Stack trace:

0 Ms::Staff::invisible staff.h 184 0xbb5428
1 Ms::Measure::cmdAddStaves measure.cpp 1096 0x7af237
2 Ms::Score::undoInsertStaff undo.cpp 797 0x7409a5
3 Ms::Score::appendPart score.cpp 3372 0x759864
4 Ms::Score::qt_static_metacall moc_score.cpp 201 0x851750
5 Ms::Score::qt_metacall moc_score.cpp 260 0x85197c
6 ZN11QMetaObject8metacallEP7QObjectNS_4CallEiPPv ...\MuseScore\win32install\bin\Qt5Core.dll 0x68a4b4cf
7 ?? 0xb
8 ?? 0x28c400
9 ?? 0x35e808ec
10 ?? 0xf6ffffd2
11 ?? 0x89400b43
12 ?? 0x8b0474d8
13 ?? 0x83008b03
14 ?? 0xc35b08c4
15 ?? 0x26748d
16 ?? 0x83d23153
17 ?? 0x418b18ec
18 ?? 0xffff2508
19 ?? 0xf8833fff
20 ?? 0x8d157631

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