Cadet Marching Bands - help required.

• Jun 9, 2010 - 01:59


I just found this great software tonight after looking for a demo of Sibelius..

Here is an outline of what I am trying to do.

I'm trying to transcribe a set of music notation that we have in very basic form, like this "D# A# D# F#.." etc.. into proper music, so that our new Cadets can use this software at home to help them learn (on the Bell Lyre) the tunes that the band plays regularly.

Here's an example of what our notation looks like:

"The Great Escape"

D# A# D# F F D# A# D# F F

A# D#/ A# G F D# C/FF/ D# D D#/D C /A# G G G#/A A# D#/A# G F D# C
FF/D# D A#/ F D#

part 2:
A# A# C A# D#/F G G F G F D#
C C/A# C D#/F G G/F G F D#
A# A# C A#/D# F G G/ F G D#
C F D# /D A# F D#
A# D#/ A# G F D# C/FF/ D# D D#/ D C /A# G
G G#/ A A# D#/A# G F D# C
F F/ D# D A#/ F D#/ A# A# D#

As you can probably tell, I have very little musical knowledge, and I have been trying to get the timings right right to make this sound 'right' all evening. And been failing so far.

I guess that I am asking if there is anyone out there who knows a little about marching tunes (and a lot about music) who could help me create some files which I could give to the children to help them practice at home using this software.

We only have a dozen or so tunes that we trying to transcribe.

We have quite a few cadets who know most of the tunes (and are excellent drummers), but practice nights are not long enough to enable the new-comers (to the Bell Lyre especially) to learn all the tunes.

Having these tunes as Musescore files publishable would end up helping hundreds of children in the future get into the Cadets bands, not only our own unit.

I can scan our basic notes and send them to anyone who may be willing to help.




The main tunes are:
- The Great Escape
- Yellow Bird
- World in Union
- Top Gun
- Swinging Safari
- Ready Aye Ready
- Highland Cathedral
- Animals
- Globe and Laurel
- Tune (Early One Morning)
- Royal Salute
- Heart of Oak
- Dambusters
- Colonel Bogey
- British Grenadiers
- Battle Hymn
- Aces High
- National Anthem

Thanks for reading..


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I haven't much luck finding some of the tunes yet. So it looks like I might end up having to try and convert our basic notes into musescore format manually.

I think I am getting the hang it (hey, I have learned more about music notation in the last 24 hrs than I have in the last 30+ years!) Check out our arrangement of 'Top Gun' attached. Bear in mind, it is simple as it is just scored for our Glocks.

If anyone knows any of the tunes listed above and wants to have a go at converting them to musescore files, please get in touch. I'm doing alright on the basic ones, but am struggling on some parts of the more complex pieces.

Thanks for the guidance so far.


Attachment Size
Top Gun.mscz 2.31 KB

In reply to by mikenco

To anyone following this thread. I've completed another piece, ready for use for band practice. "Heart of Oak". This was only possible as I found a copy of the arrangement that the Sea Cadets use and typed it in. I hope someone else finds this useful. Any other sheet music for the Sea Cadet arrangements would be gladly received.



Attachment Size
Heart of Oak.mscz 2.61 KB

In reply to by Jonathan Coombs

Hi Jon,

If you're on a Windows PC, find the zip file on your computer and right-click it and select the option to "Extract Files". Then clicking on the Musescore file will make it open the Musescore program. A tip after that point is to hit F11 and open the volume and speed controls, as by default the volume is usually set quite low.



I want to get a sea cadet free band score for Col Bogey. I am a sea cadet band officer and cannot find it in my Navy Sea Cadet manual please

I have colonel bogey aces high and swing march all on paper if you would like them as I am a bell lyre player myself if you are still looking I’m also starting to learn drum major but the only sheet music I have on me at this current time is the ones I listed above

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