Set Flag distance in style

• Jun 20, 2010 - 11:21

I'd like to be able to increase the default distance between a flag and the nearest note head.

I know this can be done individually by double clicking and then using shift and up/down - although this positioning isn't currently saved and has to be redone before each print.

Is there a way of setting this globally (i've experimented with selecting shorten stem and then increasing the stem distance - but didn't have any success)?


In reply to by ianw37

I've realised after some clicking around and testing, that while flag position and colour are NOT saved, stem length IS saved.

So the workaround for those situations (with 16,32 and 64th notes) where the flags are too close to note heads is to double-click the stem of the note (this can be a bit fiddly - you need to find a place where note heads and flags are not selected) and then dragging the handle that appears to make the stem longer.

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