Missing translation for some items

• Jul 17, 2015 - 14:22


While working on the translation to dutch, I have a problem to find certain items and for other items it really seems that local language is available but not used.

The item that I miss is the menu Add -> Text -> Tempo Marking...
Menu-Tempo Marking.PNG
I cannot locate the string for this to allow translation. Perhaps this is missing?

Second I miss (or at least MuseScore is not showing) the tooltips for the palette in dutch.
For some items I can find that a dutch translation has been provided, but it is not used.
Some tooltips are shown in dutch, so technically it should be possible to translate.
Not working tooltip:

Working tooltip:

Any advise?



In reply to by Shoichi

New installation and Update language does not change a thing.
Also note that the text in the menu: Tempo Marking... is slightly different then the texts found in the Transifex. The 3 dots are not part of any Temp Marking text, while many other items exists having 3 dots. Just the Tempo Marking... is not there.

In reply to by Henk De Groot

I uninstalled 2.0.1 before installing 2.0.2.
The three dots, from the menu Add / Text /Tempo Marking, there aren't.
On Transifex: Choose "Details" you'll notice that the three points distinguish an Action.
They there were (string 3731) but not anymore.
Doubt: When you reinstall a new version are retained some previous data. See main preference/other preferences here

Attachment Size
Action....png 85.11 KB

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