Why don't I see the notation toolbar

• Aug 7, 2015 - 18:04

I am sorry but this is a real beginner question....

In "Getting Started", in the fourth staff bar 13, it shows how to have multiple voices. I press "N" and whole note duration by entering 7. I type "E" and the note appears.

I press back arrow (gets me back to the "E") . Then I am asked to select "2" instead of "1" in the voice selector at the right of the toolbar. I do not have a toolbar with the voice selectors 1, 2, 3 and 4. I believe that it is called a notation toolbar.

How do I get that toolbar to appear? I have looked in the forums here and saw that at one place they said restart the computer. It did not work. How do I get that toolbar to appear?

I want to learn to use this well. I only have one toolbar at the top with create new score at the left and a camera at the right with 14 items in between. I've looked at the View menu and did not find anything there.

I know there is Exchange Voices Under Tools but that just exchange voices and does not establish them.

How do I get that notation toolbar to appear?


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