Musescore crashes on Android Lollipop

• Oct 15, 2015 - 12:51

I have a Samsung Note 10.1 2014 Edition and latest Musescore for Android in it. I recieved Lollipop upgrade for it couple of weeks ago and after since it is really hard to get Musescore started. Previously it crashed occasionally but now always, just sometimes you manage to get it running. Musescore crashes right after I started - and it doesn't differ if I start with by clicking a Musescore file or the icon.

It shows me the logo page, then comes the files page that shows only partially somewhat 60 % of screen on the upper left corner is visible and then comes the notification "Songbook stopped".

Any cure for this anybody!


Hi klmuses, thank you for reporting these issues. We are aware of elevated crashes on Android 6 and are working hard to fix them. I'll come back to this topic once we have issued an updated app. For the future, anything Android/iOS app related, you may send to

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