6/8 Time Signature only allowing 3 notes per barline
When I choose the 6/8 Time Signature for my song, it only allows 3 quarter notes per barline instead of the expected 6. Am I doing something wrong?
When I choose the 6/8 Time Signature for my song, it only allows 3 quarter notes per barline instead of the expected 6. Am I doing something wrong?
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You have your math wrong. 6/8 equals 3/4
In reply to You have your math wrong. 6/8 by Jojo-Schmitz
The sheet music I bought that I'm trying to input into muse score has 6 quarter notes per bar. I thought it was because of the 6/8. Is it another reason?
In reply to The sheet music I bought that by Connor Romeros
If it really has 6 quarters be measure, you need a 6/4 timesig, not 6/8.
Are you really sure it is quarter notes and not 8th? Can you show a scanned snippet of the score you're transcribing?
Maybe you have a Tremolo? See https://musescore.org/en/handbook/tremolo-0, in that case 6 8th notes in a 6/8 measure would look like quarter notes, but do have these extra lines beween the stems
Here's what it looks like. Thank you.
In reply to Here's what it looks like. by Connor Romeros
I don't see any measures with 6 quarter notes. Those are eighth notes - that's what the beam connecting them indicates.
In reply to I don't see any measures with by Marc Sabatella
I'm dumb. Thanks. I haven't studied notes in years and I was never good at the theory. Thanks again.