Score page suddenly turned white from yellow, not can't edit anymore

• Nov 18, 2015 - 13:17

I don't know what has just happened, but while I was writing some stuff I clicked something which made the page go from the usual yellow to white. I just closed the file without saving it and now it opens with the white score all the time and I can't modify it anymore! It is unmodifiable...! What's wrong?


In reply to by Shoichi

It's not just that, I tried already.

All input commands do not work anymore. It's not just a problem of colors. It seems like I randomly activated something which doesn't let me write anything anymore, even when I create a new file. I'll try to insert notes and so on, but simply won't let me.

I am using the 1.2 because I can't upgrade the sofware, my mac is old, I have 10.6 on it and can't upgrade to newer softwares.

I just don't understand what happened. Even when I close and open the program again, it will not work. It won't let me insert anything.


"the usual yellow" hints at you using MuseScore 1.x still, right? Consider upgrading to 2.0.2.

Any for the problem at hand we'd need to see the score, you could attach it here.
Please also tell us which MuseScore version and what OS you are using

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