Sagittal Symbols in Key Signatures + Custom Clef image?

• Nov 22, 2015 - 03:43

Pretty much what the subject line says. I can't add Sagittal symbols to a Key Signature. I can even drag them into the accidentals window below the key signature editor, but it won't let me place them. It seems like such a simple feature, but it's not available. It wouldn't even need to be heard in playback, I'd just like to be able to place them in the key signature.

I'd also like to be able to use a custom image as a clef, which is a thing I can do in Sibelius. I'm not sure if this feature exists and I just haven't found it. I noticed an "images" folder but there appears to be no way to place them on the staff.


For me it is not very clear, a picture would help me understand.
Press "Z" and enter the symbol.
You can drag an image from a folder (or your desktop) and drop it on a frame (eg. Title) or a measure.

Attachment Size
Master palette.png 43.73 KB

In reply to by Shoichi

Thanks for your response :)
I know how to access the sagittal symbols, but I want to place them in the key signature. I created a custom palette for sagittal symbols so I can drag them into the key signature's accidental box thing. But it won't allow me to place the symbol actually into the key signature. See the image I just added.

Attachment Size
helpme.png 125.48 KB

You can place images by drag and drop onto a note, then drag elsewhere.

Regarding key signatures, it isn't clear if you'v readthe Handbook section on them and found the key signature signature section of the master palette, which is how you create custom key signatures. The microtonal accidentals in that window can be used in creating these custom key signatures just as standard accidentals.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks, your image suggestion worked :)

I know how to create a key signature, and that there are microtonal accidentals there. But there are no sagittal accidentals available. See the image I posted in response to the earlier comment, I'm able to drag a sagittal accidental from a custom "sagittal accidental" palette into the palette below the key signature editor, but it won't then allow me to place the accidental actually into the key signature.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I think it's worth adding them.

It seems a bit inelegant to be forced to use a different language of accidentals for the key signature to the rest of the piece when writing microtonal music. Especially if you're writing for a transposing instrument.
Additionally the notes don't space themselves properly when Sagittal symbols are added, probably because of the same thing.

It's just frustrating because otherwise I love the flexible nature of Musescore.

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