Repeats within D.S.

• Nov 23, 2015 - 14:37

I know that repeats are ignored after a D.S. How then should I mark the attached to have it play correctly?

The piece is a Latin American hymn. It starts with a chorus followed by a verse then back to the chorus. I placed "D.S. al fine" at the end of the verse and "Fine" at the end of the chorus. The problem is that the chorus repeats with two different endings. This is not unusual in hymns.

The hymnal marks it as I have on the attached. This doesn't work in MuseScore. MuseScore goes back to the beginning but skips the first ending of the chorus and goes directly to the second ending.

Any ideas?

Attachment Size
Vienen_con_alegría!.mscz 18.39 KB


You want it to play repeats with the first and second endings again? Change the "Repeat list" property of the first Volta to '1,3' and place a second, hidden DC al Fine on the last measure of the first repeat. Also, as suggested above, place an indication for the singers to DC al Fine including the repeats.

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