I made the corrections to my score but still cannot upload.

• Nov 23, 2015 - 15:38

Check m. 17 (I changed it to 6/4 even though it was already in 6/4 and I fixed m. 18 but still won't upload. Please tell me how to fix...thanks!

Attachment Size
From_Darkness_to_The Light.mscz 20.43 KB


Measure 17 Staff 5 incomplete. Expected: 6/4; Found: 8/4
Measure 17 Staff 8 incomplete. Expected: 6/4; Found: 8/4
Measure 18 Staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 6/4; Found: 8/4
Measure 18 Staff 7 incomplete. Expected: 6/4; Found: 8/4

Having fixed those sowhed quite a few more. All fixed now, see attached, all by exchanginging voice 1 and 2 in the affecte3d measures/staves twice, then removing the voice 2 rests

Attachment Size
From_Darkness_to_The Light (1).mscz 31.63 KB

Sadly, the file has become corrupt and there is no easier way to fix it than to insert empty measures after the corrupt ones and then manually re-enter the notes into those new measures and delete the corrupt ones. Then save under a different name, re-open and find and correct more corrupt measures and repeat for measures 56, 57, 58, 78 (at least).

OK, so I was wrong and there is an easier way that might have worked on this occasion. I selected the corrupt measures and swapped between Voices 1 and 2 to recreate rests, recalculate the measure etc. and then selected all those Voice 2 rests and deleted them.

There may be a few missing notes around measure 56. For some reason there is also a rest visible in the bassoon part in measure 6 but if you click on it and press [Ctrl]r is zaps back to whence it came.

Attachment Size
From_Darkness_to_The Light_2.mscz 32.75 KB

I see that Jojo-Schmitz solved at the same time as me (well, 3 minutes later according to the time the reply was posted). But he still missed the errant rest in the Bassoon part in Measure 6., he!he!

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