Report bug, voices changing

• Jan 30, 2016 - 14:31

I am very impressed with the up-to-date Musescore. Its simplicity is fantastic.
Though, I found an error while I try to change voices from one voice to another.

Most of notes correctly changed to the voices that I wanted to change, e.g. from voice-1 to voice-2. However, those notes with ties and the ties themselves are not changed to the target voice, e.g. the ties and those notes with the ties stay in voice-1 while the other notes correctly moved to voice-2.

I have to delete all the ties and then re-tie all these notes in order to move voices. Please fix this bug soon if possible. Many thanks.

a Musescore 2.0.2 fan and user


The feature of simply pressing a voice button to move notes to another voice only works in the simple cases where it is possible to move the note without disturbing anything in the destination voice. It's meant to move one note at a time into a rest r whole in another voice, not for large scale exchange of notes. As mentioned above, that's what the voice exchange function is for.

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