Can the playback volume reflects the crescendo and decrescendo notated in the score

• Jan 30, 2016 - 14:33

Can the playback volume reflects the crescendo and decrescendo notated in the score? This would help a lot with practicing with listening. Many thanks.


Indeed, it does alrteady work when you either incldue dynamics or use the Inspector to tell MsueScore how big of a change you want. However, due to the limitations of the MIDI playback system used in MsueScore, it cannot work over the course of a single note.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Indeed, that was my intent in saying "the MIDI playback system used in MuseScore" - in particular, one based entirely on velocity to determine dynamic level. You are right that my statement was ambiguous.

I haven't really tracked this, but I do recll some work was done within the past year or two on some aspect of continuous controllers. I don't know if that brings us closer to being able to support this?

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