Deletion of the first bar error

• Feb 11, 2016 - 23:13

Look, please, at the result of deletion of the first bar (measure) from nonstandard score.
I suppose it should be qualified as an error.

Attachment Size
MS_del1.JPG 197.32 KB
test_l1.mscz 36.55 KB


If you delete the first measure, you are deleting non-default clefs too, MuseScore falls back to the default clef for each of the instruments. Not a bug, but by design

In reply to by straannick

I'm not sure what you are expecting to happen, You are copying notes from three different staves using three different clefs, then pasting them onto the bottom staff. Of the three staves you copied, only the top has a place to go - the rest of the notes are siply thrown away. So the notes from the top staff (which is in treble clef) are now copied to the bottom staff (which is in bass clef). As far as I can tell - I have no idea what you were trying to convey with your arrangement of staff - the result is entirely correct. Bar 4 of the top staff was copied to bar 3 of the bottom staff, and since the clefs don't match, there are now a lot of ledger lines.

Did you perhaps mean to copy all three staves? If so, you would have needed to paste to the top staff, not the bottom.

EDIT: posts crossed, see Jojo's response below :-)

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, I mean to copy all three staves - and in fact I want to delete first bar!
So the RULE IS for such case - the start point for paste is always highest clef ! And it should be noted in handbook, because we can transform your logic in another way:
"You are copying notes from three different staves using three different clefs, then pasting them onto the TOP staff. Of the three staves you copied, only the BOTTOM has a place to go - the rest of the notes are siply thrown away."
Isn't it? :-)

Attachment Size
MS_copy-paste.JPG 40.04 KB

In reply to by straannick

The "rule" is, a selection is pasted at the point you selected when you give the paste command. If you click the top staff, the sleection is pasted startingthere. If you click the third staff, the selection is pasted starting there. I guess it could be clarified that when pasting, the top left corner of the selection is what will appear at the paste point, but since music is read left to right and top to bottom, it seems that would more or less go without saying. If you paste a selection at a given point, it extends left to right and top to bottom starting at that point. It's the same way copy and paste works in a word processor or most other programs dealing with content that is read left to right and to to bottom: the pasted section begins at the point where you clicked and goes left to right and to to bottom starting there. I guess it wouldn't hurt to add a brief mention of that fact to the Handboo, if you feel like editing it.

In reply to by straannick

Not sure where you got the idea you can't delete the first bar. Of course you can. You just need to replace the clef change you had inserted into that measure if you want the new first bar to contian that same clef change. Just like you'd need to replace any notes or tempo markings or anything else that was in the first bar.

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