Converting a score to Musescore 2-- multi-measure rest problem

• Feb 17, 2016 - 03:09

I only have one more problem I can't figure out with the new version of musescore, and it's a SUPER confusing one; apologies in advance if this makes no sense... In the old version, I used to be able to write a tempo marking by using a quarter note symbol in "insert system text" mode, then adding =whatever number, placed at the top left of the score. Converting this to Musescore 2, the quarter note seems to have gotten misinterpreted as part of the score, and even deleting the whole thing and inputting a new tempo marking with the Musescore 2 "insert tempo marking" mode, I now have an empty measure in one of my parts that I can't get to absorb into a multi-measure rest no matter what I do. It's like the quarter note is still in there in some sub-layer but I can't find it. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks so much!

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starlight placement issue.jpg 13.62 KB


It's easier to help if you post the score itself, not just a picture. But anyhow, tempo markings are easier than ever to create in MuseScore 2.0. Click the note where you want it to attach (eg, first note of score), press Alt+T, and it is automatically set up with the quarter note (or dotted quarter or half as appropriate) and text for "= 80". And it's automatically set up to actually affect the playback. So all you need to do is replce the "80" with whatever you want.

Anyhow, without the score itself I can't say for sure what might be going on to prevent that first measure from being absorbed into the multimeasure rest. It could indeed be an invisible element you need to delete, but there are other possibilities too. If it's a pickup measure, that would explain it right there. Or maybe the "Break multimeasure rest" option got set for the next measure in Measure Properties. Other possibilities exist too.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Just to add a detail about tempo markings. Once you have set the tempo marking the way Marc told you (or simply from the palette if you are dumb like me) you can edit it. You can optically eliminate the metronome figure if you don't want it there and substitute something like "allegro". The system will still remember your tempo and you can change it in the inspector window.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hey Marc, thank you so much for your advice. Where is "Measure Properties"? I don't see that. It's not a pickup measure... I've tried everything I can see that seems like it might have some effect and none of it works!

I am not comfortable posting this entire part publicly since it is about to be released by a publishing company (why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free, etc.-- haha.) Is there some way you could help me with it through private messages/email? I would be so grateful.

In reply to by Katerina Lewis

You can save a copy of the score with most of the measures deleted, if you like. And posting publicly is preferable, not just because more people can help faster, or because the rest of us are curious to know what's going on, but because the next person with the same problem can learn from it.

In reply to by Katerina Lewis

In MuseScore 2, there's no difference—they should be all there in one file. So, you could delete everything in the main score after measure 4, "Save as…", and attach it here, and that file would include the part, with the same changes applied to it.

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