Blank sheet

• Feb 23, 2016 - 12:26


I`m writing some theories lessons and I wonder how can I do some blank sheets, without the pauses figures on it!
If someone could help me!



In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

You can also design any number of blank sheet styles. For example, you may only want six measures per system or get the idea. Perhaps you only want four systems on a page. It depends on your audience (student) level. Musescore is one flexible program and it keeps getting better every day!

In reply to by Lee Batchelor

Actually, it hasn't gotten any better in the past four days, but the day before that it got better in half a dozen ways. ;-) You can keep track of development at

Anyway, @rodrigoandrade, you might find the attached score useful as an example. To see how it works, go to View > Show Invisible, then right-click on the staff, choose "Staff Properties…", and check all those boxes that are unchecked.

Attachment Size
Blank_Staff_Paper.mscz 3 KB

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