Git Message

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue No sound on upgrade to 2.2 if default soundfont was saved as default [DELETED] 5 17 6 years ago
Issue Untick 'Show courtesy' for clefs does not work. Fyrult 8 6 years ago
Issue Key signature not displaying correctly on clef change at the start of a score ettolrach_uwu 8 6 years ago
Issue Delete a measure containing some tuplets + rest leads to corruption after inserting a measure cadiz1 5 6 years ago
Issue Crash when clearing palette cell with filter active Marc Sabatella 8 6 years ago
Issue Add buzz roll tremolo stem Brock Allen 8 6 years ago
Issue Adjusting a note outside the range of a piano causes a crash when the piano keyboard is visible. mattmcclinch 6 6 years ago
Issue MusicXML export: crash when exporting hairpins Jojo-Schmitz 18 6 years ago
Issue Tuplet bracket is way too thick mattmcclinch 5 6 years ago
Issue Implement master <-> 2.3 .drm files compatibility. Anatoly-os 2 6 years ago
Issue Backward compatibility of previous versions files (versions 1.2 and 1.3) Shoichi 3 6 years ago
Issue Add a more flexible way to choose noteheads in drumset for percussion instrument [DELETED] 5 10 6 years ago
Issue Incorrect stem position for wide noteheads Anatoly-os 7 6 years ago
Issue Newer file version for some vtest score files Anatoly-os 8 6 years ago
Issue Notes for transposing instrument are shown in concert pitch on piano control Alexander T 5 6 years ago
Issue Opening of some MusicXML files caused MuseScore to crash Adalbi Atskanov 8 6 years ago
Issue Missing naturals when switching key [DELETED] 3 7 6 years ago
Issue Saved preferences override command line options gfejos 8 6 years ago
Issue Canvas improperly positioned when setting zoom level mattmcclinch 5 6 years ago
Issue No message on second keyboard shortcut already in use elsewhere 5 6 years ago
Issue Incorrect position of fermata above/below a note Anatoly-os 8 6 years ago
Issue Backward compatibility of previous versions files Shoichi 5 6 years ago
Issue Crash involving brackets and a font style change cadiz1 5 6 years ago
Issue MusicXML import: no barlines when using <staff-lines> property Frank Revolle 17 6 years ago
Issue Crash in note entry mode when deleting a measure after toggle mmrests cadiz1 5 6 years ago