
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Number of MuseScore languages listed on Wikipedia article Riaan van Niekerk 14 5 years ago
Forum topic Space entire piano staves downwards ugcheleuce 1 5 years ago
Forum topic Distinguish ties and slurs globally ugcheleuce 5 5 years ago
Page Handboek 3 ugcheleuce 0 5 years ago
Forum topic Dealing with glossary false positives in Transifex ugcheleuce 1 5 years ago
Forum topic Order of strings in TS file vs Transifex ugcheleuce 3 5 years ago
Forum topic Using ellipsis character (…) instead of three dots (...) Riaan van Niekerk 15 5 years ago
Forum topic Help with transifex [DELETED] 26799858 24 5 years ago
Forum topic upper/top vs lower/bottom ugcheleuce 6 5 years ago
Forum topic HTML entities in the handbook ugcheleuce 5 5 years ago
Forum topic Checking your translation for unseen errors using the Translate Toolkit (TTK) ugcheleuce 3 5 years ago
Issue RFE: Save as and Save a copy should use same path as original ugcheleuce 1 5 years ago
Forum topic How to extract entire handbook (or individual pages) in markdown-style format ugcheleuce 2 5 years ago
Forum topic Aditional permission to translate playback text etc from the handbook? [DELETED] 26799858 10 5 years ago
Handbook Asemhalings en pouses ugcheleuce 0 5 years ago
Forum topic Anyone here using CAT to translate the handbook? ugcheleuce 0 5 years ago
Forum topic Make "samp" font size same as surrounding text in handbook (CSS) ugcheleuce 0 5 years ago
Forum topic Why essential to translate from top to bottom? ugcheleuce 3 5 years ago
Forum topic Notification of English handbook page changes? ugcheleuce 4 5 years ago
Handbook Dwarsbalke (beams) ugcheleuce 0 5 years ago
Forum topic Designing "Tours" for MuseScore Marc Sabatella 26 5 years ago
Forum topic I'd like to contribute in translating the latest handbook for Muse 3.0 in Simplified Chinese David Copperfield 3 5 years ago
Forum topic Make all elements of one voice invisible ugcheleuce 2 5 years ago
Forum topic Adding numbers to all strings, or adding source text to all translations ugcheleuce 1 5 years ago
Forum topic Handbook translations mike320 14 6 years ago