
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic MIDI keyboard compatibility wixted 10 5 years ago
Issue Crash on saving results in complete data loss (Version: 2.0.2, Linux) Robert Lieck 17 5 years ago
Forum topic PayPal as a Go-Pro payment option? rharel 4 5 years ago
Forum topic Can't save preferences micrologus 32 5 years ago
Issue crash when inserting time signature in corrupt score plee0410 8 5 years ago
Issue Handbook not updating geetar 10 5 years ago
Issue Handbook (pdf): Links between chapters not working geetar 3 5 years ago
Issue Palette Size REALLY Small SpykerFX 3 5 years ago
Issue When creating new "How To" information is lost Isaac Weiss 3 5 years ago
Issue Crash when splitting stave adalbis 5 5 years ago
Issue MuseScore 2.0 and 2.1 freeze my computer screen on open. the_scoremaker2 26 5 years ago
Issue I can't open Musescore 2.0.0. TheUnforgiven 11 5 years ago
Issue New update today freezes upon save or save as Anne Findley 9 5 years ago
Forum topic epic entry for accessibility kuwitt 3 5 years ago
Forum topic "My issues" page can no longer be accessed geetar 2 5 years ago
Forum topic Preview buttons not working? geetar 9 5 years ago
Forum topic How to get Consumer Key for MuseScore API dotnsf 2 5 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore joins Ultimate Guitar Thomas 65 5 years ago
Forum topic PDF converter problems (question from the Japanese forum) mike320 6 5 years ago
Forum topic PDF to MSCZ 変換が動作しなくなった場合の対応について hachi.ike 13 5 years ago
Forum topic Broken link on BrnVrn 9 5 years ago
Forum topic search string help at peekjay 10 5 years ago
Issue Note entry in repeat measure crash David Bolton 8 5 years ago
Issue Use CommonMark parser for Markdown shoogle 18 5 years ago
Forum topic import lilypond rogerdpack 6 5 years ago