QtScript4.dll and QtSql4.dll are missing in c7350b7 for Windows

• Jul 10, 2012 - 07:17
S2 - Critical

QtScript4.dll is missing in nightly build c7350b7 for Windows and without it won't start at all.
When taking that one from a previous build, QtSql4.dll is missung too


Confirmed. When compiling clean (no Win32install folder) both QTScript4.dll and QTSql4.dll are missing. If you are compiling into an existing win32install folder, QTScript4.dll will be there, but not QTSql4.dll.

I'm under Win7 and the two DLL's are still missing, so its a generic Windows build issue. The QTScript4 dll was removed a few days ago in build 6bbb3cffe2 by Lasconic. I don't recall QTSql4.dll ever being included before.

Status (old) active fixed

Fixed in acdb08f2e6

The new plugin framework depends on QtDeclarative. By default, QtDeclarative depends on both QtScript and QtSql. We would need to recompile the dlls to avoid that... Could be an optimization in the future. QtSql is 254k and QtScript 2129k.