
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Forum topic Nachbearbeiten von Noten Lalle75 7 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic notename in french RV 4 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Major 7 - different chord symbols in one sheet? Dace 16 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Barlines distorted alaskanpianist 4 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic About box way too wide Jojo-Schmitz 12 vor 10 Jahren
Issue Mid-bar tempo marking aligns at the start of bar chen lung 8 vor 10 Jahren
Issue cursor jumps down and up during chord symbol entry on non-top staves Jojo-Schmitz 11 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Half of my score is gone! bill2reg 1 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Needed improvement for tuplet input Pascalio 10 vor 10 Jahren
Issue slurs too high above stave/chords if spanning up and downstem chords Jojo-Schmitz 8 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic When reopening file chords on every other bar disappear flipteezy 7 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Bug with "hide empty staves" function + cross-staff barline and system bracket Pascalio 7 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Qt5 dependencies in Nightlybuild for linux TromboRafi 3 vor 10 Jahren
Issue I'm not able to modify the translation. Why? Ghibli 3 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Watermark doesn't appear Studio Drummer 4 vor 10 Jahren
Issue parameter for distance between fret diagram and chord symbol doesn't do anything Jojo-Schmitz 12 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic adding an instrument with the right "scale" Zynette 2 vor 10 Jahren
Issue Set the size of fretboard offset text as part of the style zscore 59 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic MIDI import and MuseScore´s interpretation Harry_ 12 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic System positioning uncontrollable Laurie Williams 17 vor 10 Jahren
Issue FretDiagram : make the vertical offset a user adjustable parameter zscore 7 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Copying and pasting robcone 1 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Correct aspect ratio of score - import from Finale via MusicXML SailorB 9 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic fotomode THC 6 vor 10 Jahren
Forum topic Displaying Bottom Navigational Panel Not Working AlyFC 12 vor 10 Jahren