Project crash
Hey everyone. I was just working on arranging two parts for one piece and the project suddenly crashed. Every time I try to open it, it just crashes. I added the project file. I would be extremely thankful for any help, since I worked on it for such long time!!!!
Attachment | Size |
prokofiev_bassoon.mscz | 41.51 KB |
Crash confirmed. Stack trace:
1 Ms::LayoutBreak::startWithLongNames layoutbreak.h 68 0xfd151c
2 Ms::Score::collectSystem layout.cpp 3826 0x986f01
3 Ms::LayoutContext::collectPage layout.cpp 4461 0x98b9b4
4 Ms::LayoutContext::layout layout.cpp 4774 0x98d63c
5 Ms::Score::doLayoutRange layout.cpp 4762 0x98d59f
6 Ms::Score::update cmd.cpp 302 0xabade6
7 Ms::Score::update score.h 752 0xeb871a
8 Ms::readScore file.cpp 2499 0x4c45e4
9 Ms::MuseScore::readScore file.cpp 383 0x4b118e
10 Ms::MuseScore::dropEvent musescore.cpp 2921 0x41a212
11 QWidget::event(QEvent *) 0x2adf5f18
12 QMainWindow::event(QEvent *) 0x2aee501b
13 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x2adb7bdc
14 QApplication::notify(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x2adbfb04
15 QCoreApplication::forwardEvent(QObject *, QEvent *, QEvent *) 0x68a68fe8
16 QDesktopWidget::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void * *) 0x2ae0c545
17 QDesktopWidget::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void * *) 0x2ae0d266
18 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x2adb7bdc
19 QApplication::notify(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x2adbec23
20 QCoreApplication::sendEvent(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x68a692e8
In reply to Crash confirmed. Stack trace… by Jojo-Schmitz
thank you! What should I do now?
Try this score (I manually removed a section break, in measure 227, amids a multimeasure rest)
In reply to Try this score (I manually… by Jojo-Schmitz
unfortunately it crashed with this score too :/
In reply to unfortunately it crashed… by Žilvinas Brazauskas
oops, try this. Including the section break, but with that measure marked for breaking a multi measure rest
In reply to oops, try this. Including… by Jojo-Schmitz
yes, thank you so much!! You know how it is when you lose a lot of made my day :)
In reply to Try this score (I manually… by Jojo-Schmitz
Not sure how that can happen, section breaks are supposed to break multimeasure rests, can't reproduce from scratch, just with that score.
And I do have a vague recollection to have seen that stack trace, or a similar one, before